Sunday, November 12, 2006

fish food fiasco pt II

i've gone through so much hassle to get up to the petstore and buy proper betta fish food... the other morning i ran up before school only to find that it didn't open until 9, right when i had to be at class... i left in a cold huff.

this evening,since i was out of butter, i figured i'd make a trip up to the petstore and stop by the market that's basically right beside it... because my fish deserved the right food (even it petcetera only sells their own store brand of food) and who had i been kidding feeding them goldfish food, anyway? i've been feeling like a horrible owner and i have been plagued by a deluge of "my fish get sick and die all over" nightmares.

anyhow, i also brought my camera to demonstrate how exactly i managed to mistake goldfish food for betta fish food. this is the most confusing aisle in aisle-land. i was almost blind with panic, thinking i'd somehow walk out again with goldfish food...

seriously people. is this good marketing?

what vexes me? well, i flipped over the packets, comparing the ingredients in order to see what awful things i was feeding david foster wallace & nixon this past week...

goldfish food ingredients:
fish meal, shrimp meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, rice bran, wheat germ, yeast, vitamin A, B, C, and E + other minerals

betta fish food ingredients:
white fish meal, shrimp meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, rice bran, wheat germ, yeast, vitamin A, B, C, and E + other minerals

survey says? sons of bitches.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would have probably made the same mistake.
Worst packaging ever.

8:12 PM  

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