Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the earliest review of marc in marc review land

what are some good errupting-with-joy onomatopoeias? villagers, get back to me, because by the end of the stay with marc i would like a good onomatopoeia and apparently there is no real onomatopoeia-thesarus equivalent. for shame, people, get on it. so all you villagers prone to erruptions (as stated in christmas anti-present magazine featuring bees and backpacks you can send to poor africans...) let me know what it sounds like.

marc is truly a sensation: a dazzling display of fruitful humour, harvested by slaves of wonderment, dripping with sweat that is metaphorically delight and convenient washer/drier arrangement.

marc also has square bowls and you can just imagine how much i love that. i know, it's a lot, right?

in conclusion: marc is the overall feel-good company of the year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

foom? zang?

or, what about "jomqazga" - it was my word verification for this comment posting.

*side note: I am without a conversation box - my warmest regards until further notice.

10:54 AM  

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