Tuesday, September 26, 2006

one thing that i certainly enjoy doing is...

...using only marginally relevent exclamations when people are annoying me. it baffles & insults & baffles some more.

for example:
my instructor tells me to go work on my research report more, when i am hankering to get some designing done.

i say:
do i get on your bus and tell you how to drive?

(this also subtley insinuates that they are a bus driver and that is pretty insulting)

sure, this is a little fitting. the situations are the same: one person is giving the other person orders, and they reject it. but what about things that are simple exclamations or demands? honestly, the closer you get to irrelevence without actually touching on it...well the better. extra points if you are not in the right and it makes you look like a jerk

hey! le'go my eggo!

i say:
do i get on your bus and tell you how to drive?

(an affirmative)
that was totally uncalled for!

i say:
does broccoli like being drizzled in hot, melting cheddar?
(this says you agree (i guess?)- but in a way that lets them know you just don't care anyhow)

extra points for working in their mother:
does your mother's broccoli like being drizzled in hot, melting cheddar?

(a negative)
that was totally uncalled for!

i say:
do fish feel complex emotions like misery?

extra points for working in their mother:
do your mother's fish feel complex emotions like misery?


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